Homelab Project - Getting started



Hey folks! i always found that owning your own server a very interesting subject, no need to pay cloud providers, having great privacy and diving into the internals of virtualisation. so in this blog post ill be documenting the process of creating my own secure HA homelab

its nothing fancy, but it gets the job done.

i want to host the following:

  • prometheus/grafana
  • grafana/loki
  • sentry
  • wazuh
  • Gitlab CE (DevSecOps oriented version control)
  • Opengist

Project Requirements

  • Maroc telecom fiber optic
  • Netgate 1100
  • Tp-link switch
  • Optiplex micro x4
  • UPS
  • Led's for swag
  • IKEA furniture


Homelab Diagram


This is the initial idea, will be posting more about this project in this blog